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Here are some usual questions people ask about rushing. If you are intrested in rushing Sigma Nu Please fill out this short form and we will get back to you. Click Here!
Rush FAQ
What is rush?
What is Sigma Nu?
Why rush Sigma Nu?
What about Hazing?
What Greek terms should I know?
Kappa Chapter History
What is Rush?
"Rush" is the term used by greek organizations
(fraternities and sororieties) to describe the process
of joining a fraternity.
There are 2 classifications of rush: formal and
Formal rush is organized by the school at the beginning
of each semester. Informal rush is organized solely
by each fraternity throughout various times of the
year. While you can rush informally any time throughout
the year, the fraternity's new member program may
limit if you can actually join the same semester
(it'd be like trying to take a class half way through
the semester). In those cases, usually the prospective
member is invited to events, but will start their
new member program the following semester.
A typical rush event is held anywhere.
This allows you to get to know the guys in the fraternity,
and them you. You should ask questions to learn
about the process of joining, what is expected of
you, and what the fraternity is all about. Each
one on campus is unique. Found out why current members
joined and see if it's something you are interested
in. Likewise, the guys in the house will try to
find out your interests and gauge your compatibility
with their goals.
Throughout the process get to know the rush coordinator.
He will be someone who can guide you through the
If the fraternity believes you would make a good
match, they will offer you a bid. If you too believe
that this is something you'd like to pursue, you
accept the bid. Then you begin the process of joining,
sometimes called a "pledge period".
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What is Sigma Nu?
Sigma Nu's past is a proud and colorful one. Founded by three cadets at the Virginia Military Institute in a period of civil strife known as the Reconstruction, Sigma Nu represented a radical departure from the times. The system of physical abuse and hazing of underclassmen at VMI led to James Frank Hopkins, Greenfield Quarles, and James McIlvaine Riley to form the "Legion of Honor" which soon became Sigma Nu Fraternity. So, amidst a backdrop of turmoil, North America's first "Honor" fraternity was established.
The nature of our brotherhood allows us to maintain genuine friendships with one another and yet not
surrendering our
individuality. By sharing common beliefs and ideals, it is our Ritual that becomes the source of our brotherhood. The Ritual of Sigma Nu is a living document which guides us in our everyday life. It teaches us values and ideals and helps us to better exemplify the qualities of love, honor and truth. It is because of this Ritual that a brother from Kappa Chapter and a brother from any other chapter can meet each other for the first time and share an instant friendship because they both understand that they share a value system and a set of ideals.
Today, the number of initiates is nearly 250,000;
the number
of chapters is approaching 270. Many of the
Fraternity's chapters have initiated more than
1,000 members, with a large number topping 1,500
and several exceeding 2,000.
Among the many significant achievements during
the past decade has been the addition of the Ethical
Leadership Center. Particularly noteworthy is Sigma
Nu's interfraternity leadership in risk reduction
and risk management matters followed by the introduction
of its unique LEAD
one of the most meaningful educational initiatives
ever undertaken by a college fraternity.
If you would like to read a more comprehensive
account of our history, it can be found on our History
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Why Rush Sigma Nu?
Leadership Opportunities:
In 1945, Brother William P. Yates (Beta Rho, Pennsylvania), inspired the formation of the "Sigma Nu Inc., Educational Foundation" with a handsome bequest. Its name was changed in recent times to the "Sigma Nu Educational Foundation, Inc." The foundation has been instrumental in assisting collegiate members with financial aid supplements, and the General Fraternity in the development of the LEAD Program, (LEAD is an acronym for leadership, ethics, achievement, development). The Foundation continues to support the exclusively educational programs of the Fraternity.
Every year Sigma Nu brothers donate their time, money and effort to benefit those less fortunate then themselves.
While some chapters have various different charities they help support. Volunteering yourself to help improve
the community in which you live in is just one of the things Sigma Nu is all about!
One of the most important aspects of Sigma Nu is the family like atmosphere that is felt among its members.
Sigma Nu brings young men together who will be congenial, loyal and helpful to one another during some of the
most exciting years of their lives - the university years. This sense of community continues well past university and
even till old age. These special bonds of friendship transcend age, race and international boundaries for all time!!
Alumni Support/Networking:
Sigma Nu alumni are known to support their university and chapter after graduating. They often visit chapters on
campus and offer internships and jobs to graduating seniors. Many top job recruiters that visit campuses specifically request interviews with Greek letter members when hiring. Alumni's can also help local chapters when it comes to
Rush by participating in the various events or even recommending prospective brothers. In addition alumni often form their own chapters, alumni clubs, and events designed to enhance the social and career advancement of members.
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What about Hazing?
Hazing is any effort to demean or discipline fellow students by forcing them to engage in ridiculous, humiliating or painful activities. Although the risks and impropriety of hazing should be self-evident, many club and fraternity members continue to defy laws and logic by maintaining such practices. For the sake of true brotherhood, real justice and unfettered learning, Sigma Nu condemns and prohibits hazing.
Some well-intentioned brothers attempt to justify hazing by arguing its �unifying� qualities or by saying that prospective members can demonstrate their loyalty to the organization by enduring extreme physical or psychological tests. It is also commonly defended on grounds that those being hazed, usually pledges, expect it, or that they actually enjoy it. Thoughtful, honest men will recognize that hazing is a reckless and unbrotherly means to achieve the true purposes of pledgeship. Hazing is reckless because the experience can easily become emotionally or physically harmful. It is unbrotherly because it requires that otherwise good men � even as they are professing ideals of friendship � treat fellow students in ways that friends should not treat friends.
In addition to the facts that hazing is illegal and might result in sever consequences � no the least of which is punishment by the university and state or province � the very nature of such practices runs contrary to the objectives of Sigma Nu. Pledgeship is a period for teaching future brothers the virtues of lifelong friendship organized around the principals established by our Founders.
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Kappa Chapter History
The history of Kappa Chapter is one of honor that has lasted over 120 years at North Georgia College. It is also the oldest organization on North Georgia campus besides the Corps of Cadets. Kappa Chapter, then called Chapter X, was granted its charter on March 11, 1881. At this time, Sigma Nu had reached a crisis and many now believe that the establishment of Kappa marked the second founding of Sigma Nu.
Kappa Chapter Today
Kappa Chapter today instills the same principles that its founders did over 120 years ago; Love, Honor, and Truth. Kappa�s members are involved in almost every organization on campus. With members in the Inter-Fraternity Council, Student Government Association, and the Corps of Cadets, Sigma Nu�s influence is felt campus wide.
Most importantly, Sigma Nu�s brotherhood, traditions, and principles, which have been passed down from the founders to the brothers of today, are cherished and applied to our everyday lives.
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What Greek terms should I know?
A fully initiated, undergraduate member of a Fraternity or Sorority.
A Fraternity member who is no longer enrolled in college; plural is alumni.
A formal invitation to join a Fraternity or Sorority.
A membership unit of a national or international Fraternity or Sorority. At North Georgia College & State University, our chapter is designated as the Kappa Chapter of Sigma Nu.
A designated period, organized and governed by chapters in which a series of "get acquainted" activities are held.
A Greek-letter brotherhood.
Member(s) of a lettered Fraternity or Sorority.
Ritual or ceremony by which pledges/associates/new members receive full membership into a Fraternity or Sorority chapter. The Sigma Nu Fraternity has a strict NO HAZING policy!!
A Rushee whose immediate family member is an initiated member of a Fraternity or Sorority. For example, if your dad or your older brother was a Sigma Nu, then you would be considered a Legacy.
Called by different names by different Fraternities/Sororities, (the word Pledge is used in Sigma Nu) it refers to an undergraduate who has accepted a bid from a Fraternity or Sorority and enters into a period of education of the history, values and goals of a chapter but has not yet been initiated.
A time when undergraduates have the opportunity to become more familiar with the Greek Chapters.
A prospective member or any individual interested in becoming a member of a Fraternity or Sorority and meets eligibility to participate in the affiliation process.
A Greek-letter sisterhood.
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